Servicing Ipswich to Aspley, Cleveland to Gold Coast
0411 459 301


KPS Tuning is a unique design incorporating carbon fiber, rare and burl timbers from all over the world. A 7-degree 7075 aluminum, one-piece head. Not only are two handle designs aesthetically pleasing but ergonomically functional.  

    The Carbon Fiber

Two styles of carbon fiber are currently used, toray 2x2 weave pattern and custom made here in Australia toray filament wound carbon fiber. Either can be chosen if having a lever made. Both are very strong and more than required for a tuning lever.


   Lever handle styles

There are two simple handle styles which to choose from both have been designed for function and to fit within mainstream pianos. Ball size is from 50mm to 57mm. The handles are turned by Rob Matthews wood turning here in Brisbane. Rob has many years of experience and does an amazing job.


   The Timber

The choice available for custom tuning lever is massive; Over 160 different timbers blanks available over 60 different spices from Thailand , Vietnam, Indonesia, Africa, Australia, USA and Canada.  Some very rare and very premium blanks are available but come at a higher cost. Padauk Burl will be first available. In standard lever range there many amazing burl timbers available like Amboyna burl, Red, Gold and Brown.

   Lever Head

The lever head is 7-degree angle, I don’t believe these are any benefits to using 12, 15, or 20 degree head. These are usually used when lever head is very short. To create enough clearance to use the lever, our head is longer and one piece. It has zero flex like rest of the lever. 

The head is removal as it allows you to have 2 to 3 heads with different tips. These are quicker than changing tips but as the head is 7075 aluminum, you can use only 1 head if you want. But it is recommended to use multiples heads for different tips.  If you do purchase multiple heads, AA battery pouches can fit them well. Easy to purchase from amazon.

   Lever Sizes and Weights 

The lever design standard size is 11.5 inches. That said size can be ordered from 10.5 to 13 inches long. Some 11 and 12 inches levers usually available as well. Depending on weight of timbers used the lever weight from 210g to around 320g



   Lever Bags

 Lever bags available for $50 AUD made in Australia padded and lined inside, drawstring.

   Tips and Fitment 

I am stocking five sizes of Itoshin tips for levers. Itoshin 1, 2, 3, Kawai tip 2 and Yamaha tip 2. The heads are sized to fit Watanabe, Itoshin and Taffijin tips. Hale tips are not really 3/8 x 30 tpi so I don’t recommend them. The five Itoshin tips really cover everything accept for Hamburg Steinway. Would recommend a Taffujin no. 2 as they fit best.

Itoshin tips are $60 AUD each. The no. 2 kawai is included in the lever as it fits best to most amount of mainstream pianos. Itoshin no.2 is smaller than Kawai no.2



Standard lever is $700 AUD

Lever Bags $50 AUD

Lever heads $160 AUD

Tips $60 AUD

Premium Timber Levers would be around $400 – 500 AUD more than standard as the timber is rare and high quality.


How to order: or send it inquiry on the Contact page